
 莫加南(Mark Frederick McConaghy)
姓名 莫加南(Mark Frederick McConaghy)
聯絡電話 3086
電子郵件 mark.mcconaghy@mail.nsysu.edu.tw
職稱 副教授
授課領域 中國新文學史;台灣新文學史;五四;文學理論;西方漢學;翻譯學
研究專長 現代華文文學(中國大陸與台灣),二十世紀中國民間文學學術史,中國大陸與台灣現代思想史,文學理論,中英翻譯。
  1. 2017 年11月,《Writing Villages: Languages, Objects, and Spirituality in the Discovery of Rural China, 1911-1949》,多倫多:多倫多大學東亞系博士論文,孟悅教授指導。
  1. 【翻譯】2020年 6月,與石岸書合譯〈Representative Democracy and Representational Democracy 代表性民主與代議性民主〉,王绍光著 ,《Voices From the Chinese Century: Public Intellectual Debate from Contemporary China》,ed. Timothy Cheek, David Ownby, and Joshua Fogel, New York: Columbia University Press, 頁 224-266.
  2. 【社論】2017年,7月,14日,〈Trudeau’s Naked Economic Self-Interest Dishonors a Hero of Chinese Democracy〉 , 《National Post》https://nationalpost.com/opinion/mark-mcconaghy-trudeaus-failure-to-commemorate-liu-xiaobo-proof-that-economic-self-interest-canadas-only-goal-with-china
  3. 【社論】2017年 6月 29日,〈Editorial: In Warming Up to China, Canada Mustn’t Abandon Taiwan〉 ,《Ottawa Citizen》https://ottawacitizen.com/opinion/columnists/mcconaghy-in-warming-up-to-china-canada-mustnt-abandon-taiwan
  4. 【翻譯】2017年, 4月,〈“On Zhao Benfu” (趙本夫論)〉  吳秉傑著 《中华人文》 2017年第一輯, 頁61-82.
  5. 【翻譯】2016年,10月,〈“Not Just a Little Ditty” (不是插曲)〉 劉慶邦著. 《中华人文》, 2016年第二輯,頁127-143.
  6. 【線上雜文】2015年 9月,與李志毓合著 〈Hong Kong: China’s Other〉, 《The China Story Journal》 Australian Center on China in the World 中華全球研究中心, 發表於網路,網址連結 https://www.thechinastory.org/2015/09/hong-kong-chinas-other/
年度 論文名稱
2020 “Where You Labor is Where You Sing: The New Folksong Movement of 1958 and the Fissured Mediascape of Maoist China.” , Modern China (ISSN: 0097-7004). First Published August 4: https://doi.org/10.1177/0097700420943586
2020 “Printing the Voice of the People: Folksong Weekly and the Heterogeneity of Chinese Folk Culture.” , Modern Chinese Literature and Culture (ISSN: 1520-9857), 32, 1, pp138-194
2020 "The Polyphonic Condition: Sin Wenzi, Topolect Writing and the Linguistic Limits of Nation-building in Revolutionary China, 1933-1956." , Asian Studies Review (ISSN:1467-8403 ). First Published September 3rd: https://doi.org/10.1080/10357823.2020.1807912
2020 Mark McConaghy and Shi Anshu (石岸書). 2019.“Translator’s Introduction: Representative Democracy and Representational Democracy by Wang Shaoguang.”, Voices From the Chinese Century: Public Intellectual Debate from Contemporary China. New York: Columbia University Press, pp222-224
2018 唐小兵, Liberalism in Contemporary China: Questions, Strategies, Directions, China Information, 28, 1, pp121-138
2017 Nationalism, Individualism, and Class: Intersecting Itineraries for Xiangtu Literature in Republican-Era Literary Criticism, 中华人文, 2, pp78-106
2015 書評: Kam, Louie ed., Eileen Chang: Romancing Languages, Cultures, and Genres., Asian Studies Review, 39, 1, pp159-161
2013 書評: Jing Tsu (石靜遠) and David Wang (王徳威) eds., Global Chinese Literature: Critical Essays., 漢學研究通訊, 32, 1, pp51-52
年度 論文名稱
2020 “A Third Way for Sinophone Studies? Xie Xuehong’s Taiwanese Socialism.”, AAS-in-Asia 2020 Asia at the Crossroads: Solidarity through Scholarship(透過視訊而參加研討會), Kobe, Japan(09.02)
2019 “Across Differential Terrains: Teaching Post-colonial Experience in Contemporary Taiwan.” , AAS-in-Asia 2019:Asia on the Rise?, Bangkok, Thailand(07.01-04)
2019 “Against the Oppressive Distortions of a Singular Consciousness.” ( 收錄於《第八屆近現代中國語文國際學術研討會論文集》, 58-80), 屏東大學中國語文學系第八屆近現代中國語文國際學術研討會, 國立屏東大學(12.06)
2019 “Xie Xuehong and the Ambiguities of Taiwanese Revolutionary Practice.” , Sinophone Studies: Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Critical Reflections, UCLA Asian Pacific Center, Los Angeles, California(04.12-13)
2018 〈From the Minjian to the Dazhong: Revolutionizing Folk Culture before 1949〉, Association of Asian Studies (AAS) Annual Conference, Panel on Cultural Revolutions in Modern China, Washington DC(03.23)
2017 〈Translating Xu Jilin’s “Tianxia Univeralism and Yi/Xia Differentiation and Their Modern Transformations 天下主义/夷夏之辨及其在近代的变异〉,, Association of Asian Studies (AAS) Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada(03.16)
2016 〈From Voice to Page: Folksong Weekly 歌謠週刊 and the Breakdown of the Modern Regime of Translation〉, Future of the Humanities International Workshop, Cornell University(07)
2016 〈Printing the Voice of the People: Geyao Zhoukan and the Discovery of Minjian Culture〉 , Association of Asian Studies (AAS) Annual Conference, March 2016, Panel on Rural Cosmopolitanism, Seattle(04.01)
2016 〈China at the Conceptual Limit: Taiwanese Mobilizations, Mainland Anxieties〉, Intellectual Life Under Xi Jinping, University of Montreal(03.17)
2015 〈Reading Xu Jilin’s “Tianxia Univeralism and Yi/Xia Differentiation and Their Modern Transformations 天下主义/夷夏之辨及其在近代的变异〉 , Reading and Writing the Chinese Dream: An International Workshop, University of British Columbia(08.17)
2015 〈Conceiving the Moral-Material in Wartime: Xiao Hong, Shen Congwen, and Shi Tuo’s Localist Fiction, 1937-1945〉, Globalization and the Establishment of New Directions in Chinese Studies: An International Academic Forum 全球化与中文学科建设的新方向: 国际学术研讨会, Beijing, China
2014 〈Language, Labor, and Revolutionary Consciousness: Notes Towards an Understanding of Mass Literary Arts  (大眾文藝) in 1940s Yan’an〉, Association of Asian Studies (AAS) Annual Conference, Panel on Rural Modernity and Cultural Form, Philadelphia, USA(03.28)
2013 〈Notes Towards a Materialist Conception of the Sinophone〉, 12th International Junior Scholars Conference on Sinology, Taichung, Taiwan
2013 〈Whose China in Which World: The Emerging Concept of Global Sinophone Literature〉 , Imagining Globality: China’s Global Projects in Culture, University of Alberta(06.13)
2013 〈Literary Criticism and the Rural Reader in Republican China〉, Modern Language Association (MLA) Annual Conference, Panel on Literary Criticism in East Asian(01.04)
2012 〈The Dialectic of Xiangtu Literature: Between Radical Nostalgia and Ethnographic Universalism〉, Academia Sinica Visiting Scholar Research Lecture 中研院文哲所訪問學者演講 , Taipei, Taiwan(12.10)
2011 〈Historiographic Notes on Mainland Xiangtu Fiction〉, Pingdong, Taiwan
計畫類別 年度 計畫名稱 參與人 職稱/擔任之工作 計畫期間 補助/委託或合作機構
科技部計畫 2020 轉寫「民眾」的聲音: 中國民間文學與民眾情感, 1922-1966 莫加南 主持人 2020.08 ~ 2022.07 科技部